Local operating regulations

Our Company Develops And Updates: Local Operating Rules and Regulations (LOR) for High Voltage Installations, such as Transformer Stations, Photovoltaic Power Plants, Explosion Hazard Areas and Other Electrical Installations.

At the same time, we also prepare an Explosion Risk Assessment and a written Explosion Protection Document ( DOPV) according to client and safety requirements.

The most frequently requested Local Operating Rules/Regulations (hereafter referred to as MPP) include:

  • MPP high voltage substations
  • MPP public lighting
  • MPP photovoltaic power plant (PV power plant) and other generators.
  • MPP for explosion hazardous area ( B , B1 )

In order to ensure safe and reliable operation of reserved technical equipment, it is necessary to draw up the so-called Local Operating Regulations (or Local Operating Regulations). It is the duty of the employer (operator) of the equipment to ensure that local operating rules are drawn up; this duty results primarily from Act No 124/2006 Coll., Decree No 508/2009 and also from Article 10 of STN 34 3104:1967 STN Electrotechnical Regulations.

Safety regulations for the operation and work in electrical installations (other regulations) shall be available in every high voltage and very high voltage electrical installation, as well as concise local safety and work regulations drawn up with a focus on the scale and design of the installation of the installation. In addition, accident first aid regulations with a list and telephone numbers of rescue stations, medical facilities and fire stations shall be available in the establishment.


According to Decree 508/2009, this includes equipment:

A. Technical equipment of electrical group A by type are:

(a) technical equipment for the production of electricity with a rated output of 3 MW or more, including protection against the effects of atmospheric electricity,

(b) technical equipment for the conversion of electrical energy with an input of 250 kVA and more, including protection against the effects of atmospheric electricity,

(c) an electrical network of alternating voltage above 1 000 V or direct voltage above 1 500 V, including protection against the effects of atmospheric electricity,

(d) electrical installation in an environment with a fire hazard from combustible materials, liquids, gases or dust (external influence BE2), including protection against the effects of atmospheric and static electricity,

(e) electrical installation in an explosion hazard area (external influence BE3), including protection against the effects of atmospheric and static electricity,

(f) electrical installation in areas exposed to the outdoors where corrosive or polluting substances are permanently present, including protection against the effects of atmospheric electricity,

(g) Electrical installation in an area with external influence of water from a source other than rain AD3 to AD8 or with contact with conductive parts having earth potential with external influence BC3 and BC4, including protection from the effects of atmospheric electricity,

(h) electrical installation in a room for medical purposes, including protection against the effects of atmospheric and static electricity, except in a general examination room and an area with P0, P1 and P2 requirements defined under special regulations for a medical facility,

(i) electrical installation in a building designed for the assembly of more than 250 persons in one space, including protection against the effects of atmospheric electricity.

B. Technical equipment of electrical group B are:

Electrical technical equipment not classified in Group A with a current or voltage that is unsafe.

C. Technical equipment of electrical group C are:

Electrical technical equipment not classified in Group A and Group B

Explosion Protection Documentation ( DOPV) - For Installations Where Explosive Atmospheres, Substances and Atmospheres Are Present

The DOPV is a mandatory document that must be prepared by employers whose employees access hazardous premises and areas where explosion or fire may occur. The regulations and obligations are based on Government Regulation (NV) No. 393/2006 Coll.

Important aspects:

  • the employer and the operator of the establishment are obliged to draw up a DOPV
  • The DOPV must be in written form according to current regulations and standards
  • the existence of a DOPV subject to the control of the relevant inspectorates


Our company provides:

  1. Determination of explosion hazard areas .
  2. Risk assessment and sources of initiation.
  3. Checking the protocol for the determination of external influences
  4. Processing of documentation according to the standards of decrees 
We constantly consult with the Operator of the Facility as well as the Distribution System Operator in the elaboration and creation of the Local Operating Regulations. 
In case of interest you can contact us anytime! 