Circuit breaker optimization can also be referred to as Main Circuit Breaker Replacement for a household or local government. This problem became most evident after the change of the Decree, as the energy companies invoice high amounts for consumption based on the size of the circuit breaker.
The size of a circuit breaker is often referred to by the power industry by the term Maximum Reserved Capacity (MRC). Each household and industrial property pays a price to the utility for the circuit breaker size and number of phases. In practice, this means that a household pays a price as high as the size of the circuit breaker it owns.
The size of the circuit breaker needs to be oversized and properly sized to avoid unwanted outages.
From our experience in municipalities and older buildings, we can say that they usually use circuit breakers with unnecessarily high values and municipalities unnecessarily pay high amounts for electricity.
Our company provides advice, measurement and determination of the correct value of the necessary circuit breaker or MRK.